主讲人:斯蒂文·托托西(Tötösy de Zepetnek, Steven)教授
主持人:赵毅衡 教授
评议人:庄佩娜 副研究员
讲座地点:腾讯会议(会议 ID:992 913 160;会议密码:0225)
讲座摘要:斯蒂文·托托西(Tötösy de Zepetnek, Steven)运用曹顺庆教授的变异学理论框架,结合其本人于比较文化研究中提出的文学实证研究概念化观点,对德里安·奥罗兹(Adrien Orosz’s)的小说进行文本分析。奥罗兹的小说在匈牙利文学中并不特别(也无其他语言的译本),其作品中的某些主题,导致她在媒体(报纸)中声名狼藉。例如她的一部小说由于描写了一位犯奸淫罪的主教的故事,这一话题及其小说虚构的处理方式引起了当时匈牙利主奉宗教罗马天主教大主教的强烈反对,在大主教的要求下,奥罗兹被关进了疯人院。托托西对奥罗兹小说及其本人处境的分析是基于将其著作置于“次要的”(“边缘的”)文学作品以及小说出版时代的政治环境之中的(即文化文本的“过滤”) 。
In “Peripheralities of Literature, Politics, and Adrien Orosz’s (1878-1934) Novels” Steven Tötösy de Zepetnek discusses some of the events surrounding Adrien Orosz de Csicser’s work. For the analysis of Orosz’s texts the theoretical frameworks Tötösy de Zepetnek employs is Shunqing Cao’s variation theory applied within the context of politics and literature and Tötösy de Zepetnek’s conceptualization of the empirical study of literature within comparative cultural studies. While Orosz’s novels were/are not considered exceptional within Hungarian literature (there are no translations in other languages), their writer achieved notoriety in the media (newspapers) because of some of the themes she used in her novels. In one her novels Orosz’s story is about a bishop who commits adultery and the topic and its fictional treatment raised such opposition with the then archbishop of the Roman Catholic Church (the principal religion in Hungary at the time) that Orosz, on the demand of the archbishop, was incarcerated in a lunatic asylum.Tötösy de Zepetnek’s analysis of Orosz’s novels and their author’s situation locates Orosz’s writing within the workings of a “minor” (i.e., peripheral) literature and the politics of the time of the publication of the novel (thus the “filtering” of cultural texts).
斯蒂文·托托西(Tötösy de Zepetnek, Steven),1980年获西安大略大学历史与德语研究学士学位,1983年获卡尔顿大学比较文学硕士学位,1984年获渥太华大学历史与英语作为第二语言学士学位,1989年获阿尔伯塔大学比较文学博士学位,现为六合彩结果查询-今期六合彩开奖结果
Steven Tötösy de Zepetnek’s research, teaching, and publications are in comparative literature, comparative cultural studies, and media and communication studies including postcolonial studies, (im)migration & ethnic minority studies, feminist & gender studies, film & literature, digital humanities & data science, education & cultural policy, readership & audience studies, Holocaust studies, online course design in the humanities, editing & publishing in print & digital, conflict management & diversity training, history (genealogy and heraldry). Education: Ph.D. 1989 Comparative Literature University of Alberta; B.Ed. 1984 History and English as a Second Language University of Ottawa; M.A. 1983 Comparative Literature Carleton University; B.A. 1980 History and German Studies University of Western Ontario. Languages: English, French, German, Hungarian & reading Latin, Italian, Spanish, Russian. Publications: 6 single-authored books; 228 articles, bibliographies, book reviews, research resources; 34 edited volumes & guest-edited issues of learned journals. Tötösy de Zepetnek’s work is also published in Chinese, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Macedonian, Mahrati, Polish, Portuguese, and Spanish translation.
