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发布时间 :2020年11月16日 浏览量 :


主讲人西奥·德汉(Theo D’haen 教授

主持人:庄佩娜 副研究员


讲座地点:腾讯会议(会议 ID216 955 268;会议密码:1125


For the longest time the discipline of comparative literature has mainly focused on European literature. But the world is changing very fast, and as in many other spheres – economic, political – so also in the field of literary studies we have to ask ourselves what the change entails. Thus, in my talk – and in the written version to follow - I focus on what I see as the function, for the present and from a comparative literature perspective, of the practice and study of “European” literature internally – to Europe – and externally – for Europa. This implies “worlding” – to use the term coined by Martin Heidegger (1935) and popularized by Edward Said (1983) – this literature according to different geographic scales. Although primarily concentrating on European literature, my reflections also bear on wider issues of shifting relationships among the literatures of the world, and how we study them.

主讲人简介:西奥·德汉(Theo D’haen),男,欧洲科学与艺术学院院士,A&HCI期刊《欧洲评论》(European Review)主编,比利时鲁汶大学英语和比较文学荣誉教授,荷兰莱顿大学英语文学荣誉教授,主要研究方向为比较文学、欧洲文学、世界文学。曾任教于荷兰乌得勒支大学,曾担任哈佛大学伊拉斯谟教授、索邦大学和维也纳大学客座教授、四川大学长江讲座教授和上海交通大学杰出客座教授,联合国现代语言文学国际联盟(FILLM)主席(2008-2011))。近期出版的英文著作包括《劳特利奇世界文学简史》(2012)、《美国文学史》(2014)、《当代美国犯罪小说》(2001)、《作为世界文学的荷兰和佛兰芒文学》(2019)、《劳特利奇世界文学之友》(2012)、《世界文学中的劳特利奇读者》(2013)、《作为世界文学的犯罪小说》(2017)、《世界主义与后国家主义:文学与新欧洲》(2015)、《主要还是次要?全球化世界中的语言和文学(2015)、《加勒比文学与文化比较》(2014),以及超过200篇文章,涉及(后)现代主义、(后)殖民主义、世界文学、犯罪文学、美国文学、欧洲文学等研究领域。

Theo D’haen is Emeritus Professor of English and Comparative Literature at the University of Leuven, Belgium, and Emeritus Professor of English Literature at Leiden University, The Netherlands. He earlier taught at Utrecht University, also in The Netherlands. He has held the Erasmus Chair at Harvard, visiting professorships at the Sorbonne and Vienna University, a Chiang Jiang (Yangtze River) Professorship at the University of Sichuan at Chengdu and a Distinguished Visiting Professorship at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. President of FILLM (2008-2011). Recent publications in English comprise The Routledge Concise History of World Literature (Routledge 2012), American Literature: A History (Routledge 2014, with Hans Bertens), Contemporary American Crime Fiction (Palgrave Macmillan 2001, with Hans Bertens), Dutch and Flemish Literature as World Literature (Bloomsbury 2019), The Routledge Companion to World Literature (Routledge 2012, with David Damrosch and Djelal Kadir), The Routledge Reader in World Literature (Routledge 2013, with César Domínguez and Mads Rosendahl Thomsen), Crime Fiction as World Literature (Bloomsbury 2017, with Louise Nilsson and David Damrosch), Cosmopolitanism and the Postnational: Literature and the New Europe (Brill 2015, with César Domínguez), Major versus Minor? Languages and Literatures in a Globalized World (John Benjamins 2015, with Iannis Goerlandt and Roger Sell), and Caribbeing: Comparing Caribbean Literatures and Cultures (Rodopi 2014, with Kristian van Haesendonck). Over 200 articles on (post)modernism, (post)colonialism, world literature, crime literature, American literature, European literature.
